North East Asphalt User Producer Group Mission & By-Laws


The mission of the North East Asphalt User/Producer Group (NEAUPG) is to improve the quality and performance of asphalt pavement applications in the Northeastern United States by promoting communication,  knowledge and technology on practical issues facing the industry and state agencies and by promoting uniform solutions in a timely manner through discussion, research and education. 

By Laws

  1. Name:  The name of the Association is the Northeast Asphalt User/Producer Group, a nonprofit corporation incorporated in the state of MD.
  2. Location:  The principal office of the Association shall be the office address of the Manager. The Association may also maintain an office in such other place or places as the Steering Committee may designate.
  3. Purposes:  The purpose of the Association includes:
    1. Promote improvement in the quality and cost effectiveness of asphalt pavements produced in the Northeastern U.S. by fostering the development and implementation of advancements in asphalt pavement technology (e.g. Superpave).
    2. Act as a regional forum for construction dialogue between users and producers of asphalt paving products or in cooperation with existing organizations.
    3. Work to develop consensus solutions to regional issues, and promote standardized procedures and specifications.
    4. Disseminate information of interest to the region's asphalt paving community.
  4. Restrictions:  All policies and activities of the Association shall be consistent with:
    1. Applicable federal, state and local antitrust, trade regulation or other legal requirements; and applicable tax-exemption requirements including the requirements that the Association not be organized for profit and that no part of its earnings inure the benefit of any member or individual.
  1. Membership Qualifications:  Membership in the Association is available to any person generally involved in, or associated with, asphalt production or usage in the states of CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, and DC, who has paid the annual membership fee.
  2. Membership Categories:
    1. Producer Membership:  The following membership categories shall have a vote in the selection of the 13 "Producer" members of the Steering Committee.
      1. Contractor of Membership:  Contractor membership in the Association is available to those engaged in the business of HMA production and/or placement.
      2. Supplier Membership:  Supplier membership is available to firms furnishing asphalt binders to the industry.
      3. Associate Member:  A company supplying raw materials or support products or services to the industry would be eligible. Also an Industry Association Representative.
    2. User Membership
    3. User Agency: Employees of State or local governments would be eligible.
    4. User Assoc. member: This category would include Port and Turnpike authorities and other independent organizations responsible for substantial road networks.
  3. Applications for Membership: All applicants for membership must complete and sign the application form provided by the Association and submit the application to the Manager of the Association. (The Manager will be designated by the Steering Committee.)
  4. Admission of Members: Admission to membership is by majority vote of the Steering Committee. Payment of the membership fee must accompany the application. Payment of the annual dues will be required to maintain membership.
  5. Resignation: Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Manager. However, resignation does not relieve a member from liability for dues accrued and unpaid as of the date of resignati
  6. Expulsion: Any member may be expelled for adequate reason by a two-thirds vote of the Steering Committee. Failure to pay dues or to meet the criteria for membership is presumed to be adequate reason for expulsion and does not require advance notice to the member and deliberation by the Steering Committee. Any member proposed for expulsion for another reason shall be given advance written notice including the reason for the proposed expulsion, opportunity to contest the proposed expulsion in writing or in person before the Steering Committee, and final written notice of the Steering Committee's decision.
  1. Dues and Assessments: Dues and assessments shall be determined by the Steering Committee
  2. Delinquency: Any member of the association who is delinquent in dues or assessments for a period of ninety (90) days shall be notified of the delinquency and suspended from membership. If dues or assessments are not paid within the succeeding thirty (30) days, the delinquent member forfeits all rights and privileges of membership and is expelled.
  3. Power to Waive: The Steering Committee may cancel or waive payment of any dues, assessments or other indebtedness of a member for any period, with the concurrence of a 2/3 vote of the Steering Committee.
  4. Refunds: No dues or assessments will be refunded.
  1. Steering Committee: The governing body of the Association is the Steering Committee, which has authority and is responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the Association. Funds of the Association may be paid out only at the direction of the Steering Committee.
    1. Composition of the Steering Committee: The Steering Committee shall consist of 26 voting members, plus non-voting liaison members as deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee. The composition of the membership will be as follows:
      1. Voting Members (26)
        13 - User Members - As follows:
               12 - 1 (one) from each State and D.C. (Assigned by Respective Agencies)
               1 - User Assoc. Member - from Parkway, Turnpike, Port Auth, etc. (Selected by the Steering Committee)
        13 - Producer Members - As follows:
                      7 - Contractor Members
                      5 - Supplier Members
                      1 - Prod. Assoc. Member - from Aggregate Industry, Support Products or Services, Consulting Eng., etc. b.  Non-voting Liaison Members:  (as deemed appropriate by the Committee) 
                      Examples:  Superpave Center Members, FHWA Members, Trade Assoc. Members, Manager and Treasurer
  2. Manager and Treasurer: The Steering Committee may hire or assign a professional manager and treasurer who will carry out their designated tasks, operate the Association's office, and keep appropriate financial records.
  3. Election and Term of Office: A Chairperson (User member) and Vice-Chairperson (Producer member) will be selected by the Steering Committee from its membership. The Producer members of the steering committee will be selected by membership ballot every two years. A ballot, with at least two candidates for each available position, will be prepared by the Manager with the guidance and approval of the Steering Committee. The ballot must contain a "write-in" space for each position. The Manager will mail the ballots to the full membership by July 31st of the election year. The members will vote to fill the respective positions and must return their ballots by Sept. 25th. The ballots will be tabulated by the manager and verified by the Chairman. A simple majority will be used to select the winner and in case of ties, the Steering Committee will make the selection.
    1. The Committee has the authority to change the by-laws, establish subcommittees, and decide on policy and organizational matters.
      1. Subcommittees:  At a minimum the following sub groups will be established:
        1. Binder subcommittee:  Purpose - to deal with binder issues.
        2. Mix subcommittee:  Purpose - to deal with mix issues.
  4. Vacancies: If a vacancy occurs on the Steering Committee for any reason, the position shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the Steering Committee.
  5. Meetings: The Steering Committee shall meet at least annually. They have the authority to change the bylaws at this time. Two-thirds of the Committee members or their proxies must be present for formal action to be valid; bylaws can also be changed by a two-thirds vote by the steering Committee conducted by e-mail or letter.
  6. Removal: A member may be removed for adequate reason by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership.
  7. Compensation: Members shall not receive compensation for their services.


NECEPT's primary mission is to facilitate implementation and validation of the results of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) by promoting partnering between governmental agencies, industry (including materials, suppliers, contractors and consultants) and universities throughout the Northeast. 

Northeast Center of Excellence for Pavement Technology (NECEPT)

Penn State University

Larson Transportation Institute

142 Sweet Birch Rd, 2nd Floor

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-863-1293
